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Although probably extremely obvious, I am in no way a beauty or blogging professional. I'm an everyday girl who spends far too much of her salary on beauty products. Anything I write is my honest opinion and hope it can help readers make their beauty buys. Please read and enjoy, and don't hesitate to ask me any questions! X

Friday, 16 August 2013

Bare Faced

                                                       Half No Make Up - Half With. 

 I'd never consider myself a natural beauty, which is why I wear make up almost everywhere and without it, I feel naked. Make - up, rightly or wrongly makes me feel more confident and I love buying lots of it.

Lots of people say "girls look better without make - up" or "girls who wear make - up are fake". I'm 100% jealous of women who look fresh faced and gorgeous without make - up (these woman usually have goddess like hair and zero cellulite - just to rub salt in the wound). Make - up just enhances our features and unless you Crayola your face - can work wonders.

Recently, a new addition joined my make - up family; Benefit's Cha Cha Tint (One of those that looks like a nail varnish but isn't). Coral in colour, you add it to your cheeks and blend. I put it in for work at 06.30am and at 4.00pm it's still there; unmoved. (Warning - this does mean it will tint onto your fingers a little bit, so use a brush if you can.) Also, like everything Benefit it lasts forever!

Here's the link:. http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/prod_10701_10001_123901000299?CMP=SSH&tmcampid=28&tmad=c&sku=6871038&$$ja=cgid:4587934927|tsid:45357|cid:94806247|lid:42019033567|nw:{network}|crid:33914966647|rnd:{random}|dvc:{device}|adp:{adposition}|bku:1&gclid=CJaNv8ySgrkCFfLHtAodRkQABw

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